Earthquake deformation - fault slip distribution - off-fault deformation - earthquake sequence - optical correlation - dynamic rupture simulation - joint-data inversion - earthquake cycle modeling
I focus on measuring, analysing and modeling the surface displacement field produced by earthquakes in order to understand the underlying physics. Because geodetic observations alone often struggle to untangle the processes at play during an earthquake, I also use dynamic rupture models to try and find physic-based explanations to the observations. Finally, I am also interested in the processes leading to a sequence of major earthquakes and to the synchronisation of faults.

Latest news

August 2023
August 2023
April 2023
Dec. 2022
March 2022
Dec. 2020
Sept. 2020
Dec. 2019
Dec. 2018
3 Sept. 2018
2 July 2018
8 June 2018
Maternity leave
We submitted our paper Rapid 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaras, Turkey, MW 7.8 and MW 7.7 earthquake doublet. You can read the preprint here!
Our paper The complex dynamics of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Mw 7.8-7.7 earthquake doublet has been published in Science!
I will be at EGU (first time!) presenting our work on the 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Mw 7.8-7.7 earthquake doublet Abstract here!
I will be presenting my work at the AGU Fall Meeting. Abstract here!
I just joined Alice Gabriel's group and the TEAR project at LMU! I will focus on better understanding what control the localization of the deformation during an earthquake using dynamic rupture simulations.
Maternity leave
Our paper Origin of the Shallow Slip Deficit on a Strike Slip Fault: Influence of Elastic Structure, Topography, Data Coverage, and Noise" has been accepted for publication in EPSL!
Our paper "Fault interactions in a complex fault system: insight from the 1936-1997 NE Lut earthquake sequence" has been accepted for publication in GJI!
I will be presenting my work on the Landers earthquake at AGU! Abstract here!
I will be at AGU presenting my work about fault interaction and synchronization within the NE Lut fault system! Abstract here!
Our paper "Earthquake sequence in the NE Lut, Iran: Observations from multiple space geodetic techniques" has been accepted for publication in GJI. Link!
PhD defense, I am now a doctor! Link to my PhD Thesis!
I have been selected for a CNES post-doctoral grant! In November, I will start a post-doc with Mathilde Radiguet and James Hollingsworth at ISTerre (Grenoble). My post-doc project is "How is deformation accommodated and distributed within active fault zones; insights from newly developed optical and radar processing methods, coupled with realistic fault modelling".