M. Marchandon, A.A. Gabriel, L. Chiaraluce, E. Tinti, E. Casarotti, and J. Biemiller Forecasting 3D Rupture Dynamics of the Alto Tiberina Low-Angle Normal Fault, Italy
Z. Yin, M. Marchandon, J. S. Haase, A.A. Gabriel, R. Douilly, 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the 2021 Haiti earthquake used to constrain stress conditions and fault system complexity
J. Cresseaux, M. Radiguet, MP Doin, M. Moreno, F. Huiban, M. Marchandon, J. Baez, A. Tassara, A. Socquet. Constraints on the Lithospheric Structure and Rheology of the Northern Chile Forearc from modeling the Post-Seismic Deformation of the Mw8.1 Iquique Earthquake
(14) M-H. Yen, E. Türker, T. Ulrich, M. Marchandon, A-A. Gabriel, F. Cotton. (2024) An analysis of directivity pulses using empirical data and dynamic rupture simulations of the 2023 Kahramanmaras earthquake doublet, Earthquake Spectra
(13) J. N. Hayek, M. Marchandon, D. Li, L. Pousse-Beltran, J. Hollingsworth, T. Li, A.-A. Gabriel. (2024) Non-typical supershear rupture: fault heterogeneity and segmentation govern unilateral supershear and cascading multi-fault rupture in the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake, GRL51, e2024GL110128.
(12) T. Montagnon, S. Giffard-Roisin, M. D. Mura, M. Marchandon, J. Hollingsworth, E. Pathier (2024). Sub-Pixel Displacement Estimation with Deep Learning: Application to Optical Satellite Images Containing Sharp Displacements, JGR Machine Learning and Computation, 1(4), e2024JH000174.
(11) Montagnon T., Hollingsworth J., Pathier E., Marchandon M. Dalla Mura M., (2024) Fast and Accurate Sub-Pixel Displacement Estimation from Optical Satellite Images Using a New Hyper-Realistic Earthquake Database and U-Net Architecture, IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
(10) Montagnon T., Hollingsworth J., Pathier E., Marchandon M, Dalla Mura M., Giffard-Roisin S., (2023) A new deep-learning approach for the sub-pixel registration of satellite images containing sharp displacement discontinuities. IGARSS 2023-2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2023/7/16
(9) AA. Gabriel, T. Ulrich, M. Marchandon, J. Biemiller, J. Rekoske. (2023) Rapid 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the February 6, 2023, Kahramanmaras, Turkey, MW 7.8 and MW 7.7 earthquake doublet. The Seismic Record DOI:10.1785/0320230028
(8) Z. Jia, Z. Jin, M. Marchandon, T. Ulrich, AA. Gabriel, W. Fan, P. Shearer, X. Zou, J. Rekoske, F. Bulut, A. Garagon, and Y. Fialko (2023) The complex dynamics of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Turkey, Mw 7.8-7.7 earthquake doublet. Science,
(7) T. Montagnon, J. Hollingsworth, E. Pathier, M. Marchandon, M. D. Mura and S. Giffard-Roisin, "Sub-pixel Optical Satellite Image Registration for Ground Deformation Using Deep Learning," 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2022, pp. 2716-2720, doi: 10.1109/ICIP46576.2022.9897214.
(6) Marchandon, M., Wright T., Hollingsworth J. (2022), Remote Sensing of the Earthquake Deformation Cycle. In Surface Displacement Measurement by Remote Sensing Images, ISTE-Wiley, (eds O. Cavalié and E. Trouvé)
(5) Marchandon, M., Hollingsworth, J., Radiguet, M. (2021) Origin of the Shallow Slip Deficit on a strike slip fault: influence of elastic structure, topography, and data coverage. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 554, 116696
(4) Marchandon, M., Vergnolle, M., Cavalié, O. (2021) Fault interactions in a complex fault system: insight from the 1936-1997 NE Lut earthquake sequence. Geophysical Journal International, 224(2), 1157–1173
(3) Marchandon, M., Vergnolle, M., Cavalié, O., Sudhaus, H., Hollingsworth, J. (2018) Earthquake sequence in the NE Lut, Iran: Observations from multiple space geodetic techniques. Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy364 Link
(2) Marchandon, M., Vergnolle, M., Sudhaus, H., Cavalié, O. (2018). Fault Geometry and Slip Distribution at Depth of the 1997 Mw 7.2 Zirkuh Earthquake: Contribution of Near‐Field Displacement Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(2), 1904-1924.
(1) Caniven, Y., Dominguez, S., Soliva, Roger., Cattin, R., Peyret, M.,Marchandon, M. Romano, C, Strak, V. (2015). A new multilayered visco-elasto-plastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle. Tectonics, 34, 232-264, doi:1002/2014TC003701.
Toward the understanding of seismic sequences: from spatial observation to numerical modeling. Application to the NE Lut sequence - Supervised by Mathilde Vergnolle & Olivier Cavalié - Université Côte d'Azur (Nice, France) - 2018 - PDF
(15) Marchandon M., Hollingworth J., Radiguet M., How is deformation accommodated and distributed within active fault
zones? Insights from satellite geodesy and realistic fault modeling, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2019. Poster
(14) Marchandon M., Hollingworth J., Radiguet M., How is deformation accommodated and distributed within active fault
zones? Insights from satellite geodesy and realistic fault modeling, CNES meeting, Toulouse, France, 2019. Talk & Poster
(13) Marchandon M., Hollingworth J., Radiguet M., How is deformation accommodated and distributed within active fault
zones? Insights from satellite geodesy and realistic fault modeling, MDIS meeting, Strasbourg, France, 2019. Poster
(12) Marchandon M., Hollingworth J., Radiguet M., How is deformation accommodated and distributed within active fault
zones? Insights from satellite geodesy and realistic fault modeling, Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop, Goldon, USA, 2019. Poster
(11) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M, et Cavalié O., Fault interactions and synchronization: Insight from the 1936-1997 NE Lut, Iran earthquake sequence, AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, 2018. Poster
(10) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M, et Cavalié O., Toward the understanding of seismic sequences: from spatial observation to numerical modeling. Application to the NE Lut sequence (Iran), ISTerre, Grenoble, France, 2019. Seminar
(9) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M, et Cavalié O., Fault interactions and synchronization: Insight from the 1936-1997 NE Lut, Iran earthquake sequence, AGU fall meeting, Washington, USA, 2018. Poster
(8) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M, et Cavalié O., Fault interactions and synchronization: Insight from the 1936-1997 NE Lut, Iran earthquake sequence, Wegener meeting, Grenoble, France 2018. Poster
(7) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M, Sudhaus, H. and Cavalié O., Reassessment of the source model of the 1997 Mw 7.2 Zirkuh
earthquake (North Eastern Iran), AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2016. Poster
(6) Caniven Y., Dominguez S., Soliva R., Cattin R., Peyret M., Marchandon M., Romano C., Maerten F. A new multilayered visco-elasto-plastic experimental model to study strike-slip fault seismic cycle. Geomod, Montpellier, France, 2016. Poster
(5) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M., Cavalié O., Sudhaus H., Hollingsworth, J., Earthquakes in the NE Lut, Iran: Observations from
multiple space geodetic techniques, Wegener, Azores, Portugal, 2016. Poster
(4) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M., Sudhaus H. and Cavalié O., Coseismic source model improvement inverting near-field
geodetic data in addition to traditional far-field geodetic data, Wegener, Azores, Portugal, 2016. Talk
(3) Marchandon M., VergnolleM., Cavalié O., Sudhaus H., Hollingsworth, J., First step to understand the NE Lut, Iran,
earthquake sequence: observation of each earthquake deformation from multiple space geodetic techniques, TopoEurope,
Antibes, France, 2015. Poster
(2) Marchandon M., Vergnolle M, Sudhaus, H. , Cavalié O., and Hollingsworth J., Slip imagery at depth of the 1997 Zirkuh
earthquake (Mw 7.2) from a joint inversion of InSAR, SAR, and optical correlation surface displacements, Second year PhD
meeting of the EDSFA, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France, 2015. Talk
(1) Marchandon M., Cattin R., Dominguez S., and Caniven Y. Slip distribution and stress variations throughout the seismic cycle
along strike-slip faults: insight from analog and numerical models. Talk at Géoazur, Valbonne, France, 2015